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01 Apr 25
02 Apr 25

Sulfur Reduction Diet ®

Sulfur Reduction Diet ®


Is there a way to healthily get rid of excess weight forever? Yes, but it involves changing your lifestyle and eating habits. There are no shortcuts in the fight against excess weight, but there are ways to speed up the weight loss process, make the effects last for a long time and improve your overall health and appearance.

For two years, a team of scientists, doctors and dietitians, in cooperation with the Hotel Bristol Art & Medical SPA, investigated the effect of sulphide water on accelerating human metabolism. The research results turned out to be surprising!

Weight loss by 7 kg, beautiful hair and nails in 30 days

Sulfur Reduction Diet®️ begins with a 10-day treatment at the Medical SPA under the supervision of a doctor, dietician, physiotherapists and sports trainers. Each program participant undergoes a medical consultation, which is the basis for creating a dedicated diet.

Depending on body weight, body fat content and general health condition, each treatment participant has an individually prepared menu and appropriately selected treatments and sports activities. The patient leaves the hotel equipped with tools to continue the treatment at home.

After 30 days we can expect fantastic results:

  • the average weight reduction is 3.3 kg, the record holder lost 7.9 kg
  • the amount of body fat decreases by an average of 2.3 kg
  • increase in muscle mass
  • up to 4 cm less around the waist after just 14 days of the diet.

Additionally, each treatment participant reported improvement:

  • Sleep quality
  • Mood
  • Body performance
  • The condition of the skin, hair and nails

The results of medical tests conducted before and after the treatment confirmed:

  • Lowering blood glucose
  • Reduction of blood pressure
  • Increase in iron concentration in the blood
  • Decrease in cholesterol
  • Regulation of hormonal balance


Bristol Busko - Zdroj ****
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